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More top 10 riders for The Dutch Masters

The Dutch Masters can now count on the participation of even more top 10 riders. Britain's Ben Maher (2), the USA's Kent Farrington (3) and Switzerland's Martin Fuchs (5) will start at the Brabanthallen from 7 to 10 March. World number 2 Ben Maher...

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The Dutch Masters launches Digital Fanzone 2024

Great news for all horse lovers! In the run-up to The Dutch Masters 2024, the Digital Fanzone has been developed. A digital platform to warm you up for The Dutch Masters 2024.Participants can test their gaming and knowledge skills, take part in predictions,...

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In memoriam Wim van der Leegte

This weekend the sad news reached us that Wim van der Leegte, former top executive and owner of VDL, passed away unexpectedly in the night of Saturday to Sunday 19 November at the age of 76 in his hometown Duizel. For many years, Wim van der Leegte...

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